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(1 edit)

Absolutely brilliant. Beyond anything I could have dreamt up, and fun, yet frustrating, as any good puzzle is. People would pay for this. If you ever want to do a bundle or collaborate, I would be honored.

By the way, thanks for buying my game bundle and donating! I sent you 2 free keys on FaceBook to share with friends.

And FYI, there is a missing floor tile on stage 31 (or whatever level has symbols that kind of look like 31) under the top right stone wall when it gets blown up.

Keep on rockin'!

Thanks so much for the kind words! My intention was to make a downloadable version and keep it as a PWYW game, alongside some additions like a soundtrack and a little world map to give a better sense of progression than just a string of puzzles. Of course I had to go and distract myself with other projects... but you have helped to rekindle the fire a bit here so hopefully I'll get back into it soon! Cheers

Yo Magicsofa, I absolutely love this game. I like the progression of the game and how each room has great puzzle design. When designing a puzzle game, it is important to have those "ah" moments for the player. I definitely had those "ah" moments. 

Please check out my game, Beneath, and do please tell me what you think!

Hey thanks for playing! I do intend to continue updating this but it got super back-burner'd for the time being, had to go and start a family or whatever <3

hi Magicsofa, interesting puzzle game, i am stuck at level 12. lol

Ok, I'll give you a hint... you have to "kill two birds with one stone" :)

ok thanks :)

I love it. Super fun and I love the variety of solutions. Beryl as broccoli was funny. I'm not sure how far I made it so far.

Thanks for playing! But what exactly do you mean by broccoli?

When Beryl turns green and looks like a small tree.

Deleted 1 year ago

Glad you liked it! You are about 1/4 of the way through :)

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Nice art and good puzzles.

I almost quit after not understanding the first level because that one moveable rock was almost indistinguishable from the non-movrable rocks. Maybe make it just a little bit more different for dummies like me. Some background noise would be the icing on the cake.

Nice effects too!

Thanks for checking it out! You are completely right about the contrast issue, I'll be sure to differentiate them better because my goal is to make the game "teach itself" as much as possible.

Hi Martel. Your game it's conceptually interesting, but I have to tell you a problem that hinders the gaming experience: In the game screen, the mouse cursor is hidden, and that confuses which game element you are touching.

One moment, I have another PC, and in the other the cursor does appear while in my HP laptop (from my first comment) it doesn't.

I believe that the cursor sprite isn't supported for all systems.

Thanks for catching that... the cursor is disabled if the device has a touchscreen so that could be why. I will add an option to force cursor on/off.